17 million working days were lost to stress-related absence in the last 12 months.We spend almost 90,000 hours at work in our lifetime so it makes sense to spend this in an environment that’s good for our health and wellbeing, that motivates us to do our best work and be our best selves.Employee wellbeing plays a big part in the overall employee experience and can impact factors like employee engagement in work, productivity and staff retention.When employee wellbeing is neglected we see a huge personal and economic impact; 17 million working days were lost to stress-related absence in the last 12 months.The Cost of Staff Sickness, in the UK£77.5 Billion per year to UK Business, Britains Healthiest Workforce Survey, Vitality 14.7% of people suffer mental health problems in the workplace 40% of all sickness absence is caused by muskuloskeletal disorders, NHSReturn on InvestmentROI for employee well-being is 6:1 Employees who feel mentally supported at work are two-and-a-half times more likely to stay at their company for two-plus years, and over five times more likely to trust their company leadership and fellow employees. Over 50% of disease is lifestyle related and therefore preventableInterested to hear how we can help? GET IN TOUCH SHARE